
The playlists below are based on various chapters in Lloyd’s still unfinished story. Some of the songs in a playlist have to do with the questions he was focusing on at the time. Some are songs that are just about life, or were written for the fun of it, during that period of time. Some were written during a different period of time, but fit the vibe of the playlist they were put in.

(Note: Only playlists that are underlined are real at this point)

1965-73: High school, and just after

1974 to 1982: promoting local self reliance and green jobs, in reaction to the way the oil crisis knee-capped our world economy, and threatened a war over oil, maybe even a nuclear one if things got out of hand.

Early 1980s: Songs written while recovering from burn out, and exploring interpersonal communication skills and spirituality.

1985 Song Collection

1995: Song Sampler

2001: Songs about couple communication skills

Mid 2000s: Songs about the Marshall Plan Story

2010s and beyond: Incorporating a growing conviction on the place of spirituality and nonviolent action in furthering social change

…to be continued